The German Federal Government extends Überbrückungshilfe III (Bridging Assistance III) until end of September 2021.
According to a press release issued by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy on June 9, 2021, the German government is therefore extending Überbrückungshilfe III for affected companies and solo self-employed persons until September 30, 2021 as Überbrückungshilfe III Plus. Funding conditions will thereafter be retained in Überbrückungshilfe III Plus. A new addition will be the restart premium, which will enable companies to receive a higher subsidy for personnel costs. The Neustarthilfe (Start-up Assistance) will also be continued until September 30, 2021 as Neustarthilfe Plus.
Also, only companies with a Corona-related sales decline of at least 30 percent are eligible to apply for the Bridging Assistance III Plus. The new program will also be applied for through reviewing third parties (e.g., tax advisors).
As soon as we have more information and it is possible to apply for Überbrückungshilfe III Plus, as well as Neustarthilfe Plus, we will inform you.
Source: Haufe, BMWi
Photo: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay
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